Super Plus 300/3

Super Plus 300/3





IDPart NumberPart DescriptionNotesPurchase
11110 536Burner Assembly Complete
121333 726Burner Bar (Bray)
13110 526Ignition Electrode
14134 727Sensing Electrode
15013 760Burner Cork Gasket
18110 539Fan and Controls Assembly
21133 058Fan motor
22057 841Sight Glass
23057 973Sight Glass Frame
24057 840Sight Glass Gasket
25133 070Pressure Switch Assembly
27013 764Main Gas Line Injector
28013 842Main Gas Line Solenoid valve(ASCO)
29111 566Main Gas Line Solenoid valve with Strainer(ASCO)
30a113 204Main Gas Line Govenor
30b058 511Potentiometer Assembly
30c013 755Sensor Assembly
41Module Control Centre
42004 038Overheat Thermostat with Manual Reset LM5
43133 133Printed Circuit Board Assembly PCB. 9
44013 241Control Knob - Bulgin
46013 755Control thermostat Sensor
47058 511Control Termostat Potentiometer Assembly
49134 713Reset Switch Assembly
51134 515Spark Generation Assembly
52013 750Printed Circuit Board PCB. 12
54133 125Module Surround Assembly, Top
55133 126Module Cover Assembly, Lower
56132 002Module Cover Filter
65a013 868Printed Circuit Board PCB 15
65b134 463Wiring Centre Assembly PCB. 11
65c134 459Wiring Centre Assembly PCB. 10
65d133 270Boiler Casing Assembly Complete